Excite Cash

Traffic Exchange

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Total Members 1567
Paid Members 3
Online 241
Paid Out $ 218.43
Active Websites 230
Total Surfed 141386

Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

Your site(s) URL must be valid
When we check your site all sources including source files for iframes be valid. Otherwise your site will be disabled.

Your site(s) must not have intrusive pop up windows
If you have pop up windows of any kind it may be disabled.

Your site(s)/banner(s) must not contain illegal content
We do not accept sites/banners that contain any kind of illegal material, inappropriate, malicious, or racist content.

Your account may be deleted if not used for 30 days

You can have only one (1) account
This because you can only view and earn from one account at a time. If we detect that you have more than one, all will be deleted!
ExciteCash can disable your site(s) or account if we think they give the system any problems
This could be sites hosted at servers that are too small, and therefore the site shown - in the site rotation - is incomplete.

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